Raspberry Suite Week 6



This week’s challenge was great fun, well, I always have great fun.  Sometimes I wonder what the heck I did before challenges?  I so enjoy looking at everyone’s entries and being in awe and incredibly inspired.  I stand at my stamping table and stare for hours, holding papers together, and just moving things around, but never actually making a card.  Mark will say, “Have you accomplished anything tonight, or are you just exploring the possibilities?”  He’ll never understand my extremely indecisive and complex mind.   P1011289

12 thoughts on “Raspberry Suite Week 6

  1. Beautiful cards!! I love the strong, bold graphic look with the soft stamping! I totally know what you mean about challenges, I’m addicted too! Sometimes I think, “Wonder if I can think of anything on my own tonight? No!” lol!

  2. Pingback: Help me test Mr. Linky! | sideoats + scribbles

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